Being the BestBuy gal, I am often asked advice on what the latest and greatest options are out there. Keeping within the spirit of customer service, I’ll go ahead and clue you in to my personal favorite this year…The Toddler
For my friends who are considering breeding, I highly recommend the "Thomas Model". True, it is a 4 year old model, but like Wine, it keeps getting better with age.
Basic Specifications:
Facial Features - It comes pre-equipped with a charming smile, used to con goodies out of in-laws and grandparents (or in-law grandparents...yeah he's that good).
Audio Capability – Enhance vocabulary skills, with empathize on boy humor. Some similar models are typically amusing, while the Thomas model is down-right hilarious. You want a joke? He'll come up with 5 in a minute, and all the punch lines will be "Banana Pants". That is a tough act to follow.
Advance Audio – This particular model is very ticklish, and when tickled it makes the best sound you will ever hear. Afraid of breaking your product? No Problem! Just pretend you are going to, and this model is so sensitive it will still react as if you did really tickle it. AMAZING!
Hands-Free Activation – After a initial setup period, this model was capable of walking, running, jumping, climbing at an early stage. While in Toddler Mode, it can do all of those simultaneously from the highest point on a playground while shouting “Don’t worry Mom, I got this”
Fearless (Disclaimer: Fearless Feature does not function in the event of ghosts, bedtime, or anything involving pickles)
And More!
Not available in your local store. You asked for advice, I can’t help if it’s out of stock.