Monday, January 31, 2011

Firefighter Banquet 2011

Jeff receives his helmet!

Last night was fun :) Jeff's Fire Department had a banquet, and a casino style night. Before hand - after trying on many many dresses, I let my friends pick which ones I should wear! My mission was to be good arm candy. And since we know I am fashionably handicapped at times - we decided it should be voters choice. Here are the dresses:
The Little Black Dress won the vote, and then we were off! And what a nice event it was! We played ALOT of Black Jack and won over 100 raffle tickets. All in all there were thousands of raffle tickets, yet in a stroke of improbability - we won 3 of the 20 prizes. Yikes! New Camera, Awesome Gear Bag ..and a new IPAD! How crazy cool is that! Feel a dash guilty though...Guess Jeff is a lucky guy :)