January 16th

Then he looks at us innocently to say, "what about you guys? Are you going to get some for y'all too?"
January 21st
We were eating lunch...corn dogs, oranges, and small bag of chips. My phone rang so I went to go get it. I come back and Thomas is happily sitting crisscrossed on the floor with my bag of chips. I ask him what he is doing, he said
"I was just going to eat one, but they were delicious. I ate more. YUMMY!
I'm making YOUR plate happy..."
February 1st
Jeff turned on the car radio, and a song started playing. Jeff said "Oh, Sugar Cult"
Thomas shouts from the backseat: "CHANGE IT!"
I don't think Thomas is a fan....
March 11th
Out of nowhere Thomas asked: "If I don't bother dinosaurs, then they won't bother me, right?"
Thomas: "So, if I promise not to bother them, you know they won't hurt me....can we go visit them so I can just look at them? I won't touch the dinosaurs. Just want to see them..."
May 4th
Taking Thomas on a trip to a birthday party tonight, and we picked up a few of his friends on the way. One of his friends is a 4 year old girl, Anaise. These two were in the van babbling and arguing like an old married couple. As we passed Stacy Road there was a Target on our right. I have witnesses to the following conversation:
Anaise: "That's a store!"
Thomas: "No, its a workplace"
Anaise: "No! That's where you buy things!"
Thomas: "No, its a job where people work"
What can I say...some gender stereotypes are evident at early ages...
May 6th
Thomas has informed us that he DOES NOT turn 4, until he blow out candles and eats cake. No amount of explaining will change his view. Love it!
While I am in bed watching TV, my son (who is suppose to be asleep) peeps his head around my bedroom door. So, I catch him and ask him what he is up to...Thomas :" I was seeing if you were asleep..."
Me: "why were you checking? You are suppose to be asleep."
Thomas: "if you were asleep I could get animal crackers from the kitchen...and you wouldn't catch me"
September 10th
Quick Recap: Thomas found a caterpillar yesterday, and we found a nice clear container for it. Put in some leaves and made a nice habitat for it. Sits on his bookcase by his bed so he can watch it. Eventually Thomas picked out a name for his caterpiller pet: "T-Rexor"
Fast forward to tonight, as he is telling me all the fascinating things about caterpillars, cocoons, and butterflies...he asks me a Thomas question...
Thomas: "So if I feed it leaves it becomes a butterfly, right?"
Me: "Mostly likely a moth, but yeah, a winged insect for sure"
Thomas: "So if I feed it Lexi, will it become a pteranadon?"
What?!?! Hahahahaha He wants to feed his dog to his caterpillar to get a dinosaur. I didn't know what to say, really. After a brief dead pause I finally told him "No, caterpillars don't eat dogs. Wouldn't you miss Lexi?"
Thomas: "Normally yeah.... but not if I had a pteranadon."
September 11th
Jeff: "Thomas no more jumping for a moment"
**Thomas then jumps again**
Jeff: "Buddy I said no more jumping"
Thomas: "I didn't jump, I just let go of the ground..."
September 29th
Thomas and Will are suppose to be watching a movie in bed (a treat before bed), and Jeff and I are playing video games in the game room. Out of nowhere the two boys come strolling into the game room in their PJ's, and they pass us as they talk to each other about animal crackers (Acting like we aren't there watching them get out of bed). They go into our office and we hear them struggle to get the lid off
We are cracking up as we here him grunt and then finally get the lid off. How do we know he got the lid off? By the hilarious and loud "Ta-Da" and giggles
Then they walk out and Thomas as a huge fist of crackers and says "Nothing going on here"...and Will comes out with his hands behind his back trying to sideways walk around us. And they go back to there room saying "Stop laughing at us!"
October 1st
So I headed over to him and sit at the end of his bed. He sits up and scoots over to me and rests his head on me. Then says : "Mommy, I just wanted to say Thank you so much for the bike ride and the dancing. It made me so happy. I want to do it all over again tomorrow. Can we do that?"
After my heart stopped melting, and I said "sure,thing" he made it a pure Toddler Thomas moment by adding..
"We should get daddy to fart too...cause that makes me laugh."
October 16th
When we picked Thomas up the day he was playing on the playground. He and his friend were practicing "sneaking". Specifically...they were practicing "Sneaking" around the "house" (which was the playground). No kidding, Thomas was trying to describe his house layout so the other kid would help him practice being sneaky.
When we asked him why he's trying to be sneaky, both boys look at us and said "To get the cookies..."
I was at first delighted when Thomas asked if I would play too...until he told me what he wanted me to do. He asked me to sit on this one spot of the playset, close my eyes and pretend to be asleep. Then he shouted to his friend, "Okay, she is asleep in the bedroom so we need to practice being quiet too! You got that? Help me get passed her while her eyes are still closed!"
October 28th
Thomas LOVES to talk and ramble, and we try to encourage it most of the time. But sometimes he runs out of things to say but wants to keep talking. Lately his conversational back up phrase is "Do you know...(long pause so he can think)...ummm....do you know yada yada?"
This happens ALOT. The "pauses" after the 'do you know' start to get longer each time.
So it just happened again...
Thomas: " Do you know...ummm...."
Me (interrupting): "...the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?"
Thomas: "what?!? Sometimes you are weird, did you know that? Don't be weird at my school, okay?
October 31st
At Thomas's school several kids were dressed up. In the morning cafe there were 4 kids all wearing the same black ninja costume. Fake muscles, red trim, throwing stars on the belt, all the same. Thomas is a white ninja. So Thomas looks up at me.
Thomas: "Mommy, those are bad guys!"
Me: "No honey, they are probably good ninja's, just wearing black. They are still your friends".
Thomas: "No they are bad guys. Look! There is only one ninja wearing this! There are lots more of them wearing the other teams uniform. The Good Guy is ALWAYS outnumbered! There is more of them than me, so they are bad guys....right?"
November 3rd
Thomas: "Mommy, I love you!
Me: " I love you too!"
Thomas: "Don't worry, I won't tell Jeffrey." (Not Daddy...he said "Jeffrey")
Me: "What? Daddy knows I love you. Daddy knows you love me, and he knows you love him."
Thomas: "Daddy knows....nothing. He knows nothing"
November 15th
Sleepy me still asked, " Why do you think dogs do it?"
Thomas: "I don't know. I thought it was their kiss or to be funny. But i was thinking...I lick food. Like ice cream. So I wanted to know if they thought we taste good. "
Me: "uhh...so what's the verdict?" (Thinking 'crap, I raised a cannibal')
Thomas: "To be funny and kisses. We taste okay, but I'd rather have ice cream. Okay, I got to go back to bed. Sorry you woke up! I was just curious."
He walked out of the room like that was a completely normal conversation.
December 4th
Whilst Jeff and I were discussing who was going to drive, Thomas said daddy should 'because he is the boss'. When we asked why is daddy the boss, he replied "I don't know, cause he is a boy?"
We scoffed and simultaneously spoke how boys and girls can be bosses. He had no problem with the concept, and went on to say that his teacher Ms. Carla was a girl and she was his boss at school.
We figured we were all good, when he later added "Mommy, Daddy... Do you know In Daddy's family, there is Meemaw...She is the boss of everyone!
December 9th
Thomas : " I want a kitty cat"
Me : " Sorry buddy, Daddy is allergic. They make him a little sick, and I am not really a fan either."
Thomas: "Okay, I understand. I am allergic to some animals too!"
Me: " You are? Since when? To what?"
Thomas : " You know...Bats, spiders, gorillas. They are scary, so if I am allergic, you won't let them in the house. So yeah...No Gorillas in my room please"

December 9th
Thomas: "When is Will coming over again?"
Me: "Errr...I dunno, maybe in a couple weeks"
Thomas: "Aww man! Okay"
Me (curious): "Uhh...Thomas...why do you ask?"
Thomas: "Because it cold outside, and if its snows if would SO COOL if it snowed in my room. But I can't open the window by myself, and you probably wouldn't let me do it. Will would help me."
Dear goodness! I will be keeping my eyes on these two when Will comes over! Thomas would make an awful villain. Always telling me his entire evil plot when questioned.
About an hour after I put Mr. T to bed, I hear a mournful sob coming from his room. I go up to see he is kind of still asleep and between sobs he was calling for me. "Mommy...
I wake him up gently letting him know I was there. As he wakes up a bit I ask him whats wrong. He was having a nightmare. So I told him if he told me his nightmare it would all be better.
He rubbed his eyes and told me "There was some elephants blocking my way and they wouldn't move. I tried telling them to move and they wouldn't. They couldn't understand me. I was told if I told a joke they could hear me and move. So I told a joke and one of them moved...but then...
Me: "Then what honey?"
Thomas is a sad sob: "There were 2 elephants, and I only knew 1 joke. I couldn't find a way to move the other elephant.
These are the things that my son worries about? AWESOME! I can handle that.
I whispered a joke in his ear and he chuckled. Then he said "Thanks mommy! I'll tell him that one. You're the best" and cuddled up under his blanket softly saying with a giggle "Oh yeah, that will make him laugh soo hard."