Thomas was playing with the radio, and he landed on rap.
I said "aww man, you're listening to rap music now?" and he chimes, " he is just talking, it's not music mommy" and changed then changed station again..."I'm gonna find weal music" with the lisp.
I said "aww man, you're listening to rap music now?" and he chimes, " he is just talking, it's not music mommy" and changed then changed station again..."I'm gonna find weal music" with the lisp.
February 20th
Jeff and I were looking at something on YouTube and Thomas wanted our attention. Jeff said "Count to 20 and I'll come" Thomas quickly said (in high pitched smiles) "123-GET UP!" Bossy little thing, huh?
March 1st
I make delicious, juicy, baked rosemary lemon pepper chicken , with roasted mini potatoes and green beans...and Thomas says "I want a hotdog"... :(
March 6th
*Me: "Do you know what is in a quesadilla"
*Thomas: "Yeah, things I don't like"
*Me: "It has chicken"
*Thomas:"I don't want chicken... how about a cupcake?"
May 17th
Not kidding - Thomas is in his bath, suddenly looks down at the water and asked "why did it get warmer?" oh goodness...drained the tub and gave him a shower
June 20th
This mosquito wass buzzing around, and I clap and kill it. Thomas asked me why I did that and I explained I killed it so it wouldn't bite us. His response "so you’re going to put it outside so it can fly to another house?" Uhhh...yeah...sure...and he and Jeff took the dead mosquito outside for it to 'fly away'. My son is truly a kind kid..
July 8th
I don't know where he heard it, but when I said he needed to eat his dinner before going on the playground he said (in pipsqueak vocals) "Are you kidding me? Is that you joking?" and he tried to dash off...seriously?
So me and Thomas are playing with his toys, and out of nowhere he says "I want a baby sister"...ummm...what...? So after my shock I ask him a few questions. One was "If you had a sister, what would her name be"...he says "War Machine"
August 8th
We were at the table eating, and we told Thomas he needed to take another bite. Suddenly he says "Owww!", Jeff and I look at him and ask whats wrong...He says "I hurt!" To which we look concerned and ask "What hurts?" Pipsqueak voice "My feelings....My feelings hurt..." Awwww...
August 10th
Jeff and I occasionally get playful and ask Thomas "Who do you love more, mommy or daddy"..He always answers mommy/daddy or daddy/mommy really fast...but tonight when we asked, "Hey Thomas, Who do you love more, mommy or daddy"...without even thinking he says simply "Bobby"...our dog :(
Ordering Dominos - I asked Thomas what he wanted on his pizza - "Pepperoni, Mac and Cheese, and a Sandwich"....
August 25th
Thomas woke up calling for me, I ran in. He just wanted to ask if he could sleep with me. I said 'no' and that he is a big boy, yada yada.
He then asks 'can I dream about sleeping in your room?'.
Me: 'of course honey, dream away"....
His response, "you want all my dreams to come true, right?". Doh
He then asks 'can I dream about sleeping in your room?'.
Me: 'of course honey, dream away"....
His response, "you want all my dreams to come true, right?". Doh
September 20th
Poor Thomas. He was playing right along, and said his tummy hurt a little. He wanted to keep playing and playing. Then all the sudden, whatever was in his tummy decided to come up. He was so sad.
But then...randomly...he perked up and said "I get to watch ninja turtles now!"
Apparently we have a "sick kid" protocol I was unaware of. He is now snuggled on the couch with some crackers...watching ninja turtles...
I ask my toddler if he was hungry and he replied –
*Thomas: “Yes, go to kitchen and make me dinner now!”
*Me: “Ummm…no….that is not how you ask”
*Thomas: “Sorry…make me a sandwich”
*Me: “Try again”
*Thomas:“Now Please”
Are you kidding me?!?! Where did this come from?
After we talked a bit, he said his friend said “Girls make boys sandwiches”
Though this is slightly funny in a meme kind of way…I will find this friend and tell him different…in the mean time – I had Thomas make his own dinner. And he had a blast doing so.
October 11th
We went to the store and saw an Angry Bird Doll and Thomas said "What's That?"
I said "That's an Angry Bird"
Thomas retorts "Its not angry, it might just be sad or hungry"
I said "That's an Angry Bird"
Thomas retorts "Its not angry, it might just be sad or hungry"
November 4th
This morning he said, "Mommy I'm going to go read a book"...(Btw he can't read, but he tells a good story with the pictures).
So I give him a few minutes while I get dressed and then I go check on him. He is sitting on his bed with the BIGGEST smile on his face. He hold up his "book" and says "Mommy, this book is awesome. I love it! I'm going to read it again"
Ladies and Gentleman, he was reading the Target Christmas Toy Catalog :)
So I give him a few minutes while I get dressed and then I go check on him. He is sitting on his bed with the BIGGEST smile on his face. He hold up his "book" and says "Mommy, this book is awesome. I love it! I'm going to read it again"
Ladies and Gentleman, he was reading the Target Christmas Toy Catalog :)
November 7th
Thomas and I are going through his DVD’s and he loves looking at the promotional inserts. His Lion King DVD has a promotion for “Lady and The Tramp”. Thomas points to the boy and asks “Is that a boy dog?” I said “Yup, and (points to the girl) that’s the Lady”…
Thomas then says with all innocence…”Mommy, I want a tramp for Christmas…”
Thomas then says with all innocence…”Mommy, I want a tramp for Christmas…”
November 23rd

Thomas waddles sleepily into my room “Mommy am I a nice boy”
Me: “Um…yeah..typically, what are you doing out of bed?”
Thomas: “Santa gives stuff to nice boys right?”
Me: “Yes, if they are good nice boys, lets get you back into bed”
Thomas: “Wait! Can I ask Santa to sleep in your bed?”
Me: “Yes, but he doesn’t come until Christmas”
Thomas: “Ah, Man! That’s not tonight” Frowns and walks back to his room…
November 28th
My son calls to me to his room in a weak "Mommy" cry. I go in there and asks what’s up. He is sitting up in his bed looking like he isn't quite awake.
Thomas: “Mommy can you tell Simba to be nice to the little Mermaid or he won’t get Cars from Santa”
Me: “Uh….sure…”
Thomas: “thanks mommy” ZZZZ zzz ZZZZ
Thomas: “Mommy can you tell Simba to be nice to the little Mermaid or he won’t get Cars from Santa”
Me: “Uh….sure…”
December 15th
Thomas: "I'm busy"
Jeff: "You need to eat now, so your not hungry later"
Thomas: in a super whiny voice "But if I eat, I won't get to save the day." Moans
December 19th
I just asked Thomas how he was feeling after being sick this morning. He said "I am B for Better!" Rock on!
December 25th