March 24th
"Hey Thomas what sound does a cat make? *Thomas Shrugs*, "Well what sound does a dragon make? *Thomas Roars and Growls*! Undeniable proof, that he is my son.
April 18th
He was playing with a ball outside and threw it over the fence, I looked at him and he said in perfect words..."Daddy did it"... Haha
June Unknown Day
And then I look down to see my son. Who looks at me with the sweetest eyes and repeats in a pipsqueak voice "shh`t....shh`t“
Jeff and I were being playful at the table and doing a mini-fight/wrestle tussle thing ...and Thomas pipes in with his little voice and says : "Keep your hands and feet to yourself, we don’t hurt our friends!"
November 1st
One morning we go to wake Thomas up and
each attempt he gave us the typical "No! I'm sleeping", "I don't
wanna go to school",
and the standard moan/"uh-uh".
The last one really
got me...he was laying down, opened his eyes, and looked at me scornfully. He
said slowly, as if I just didn't understand " eyes..... are
closed" pointed to his eyes as he re-closed them, rolled over and pulled
up the blanket.
November 7th
Thomas was counting books and it went like this "One, and Two, and Three, and Four, and Five, and Six, (pauses)...and this one, and eight!"
LOL "This one" = the new "seven"
November 22nd
I gave Thomas a dum dum, and as I gave it to him, I said "mmm banana split" which was the flavor of the sucker. He said with much authority, "Mommy, it's not banana, it's candy"
November 23rd
Jeff gave Thomas some juice, and after a couple of swigs, Jeff tells him 'Hey did you know that is half juice, half water?'. Thomas wails 'I don't want half water, I WANT half juice!
So Thomas is wearing superhero underwear, you know the ones with the logo on front and the pictures of the heroes on the back. Anyways, he rips a good one, and then yells "Oh NO! I farted on Iron Man! Help him Mommy!!!!"