Saturday, September 21, 2013

The Pirate Fairy?

My dad, Tom, was introducing Jeff to a friend and was warning his friend about Jeff's playful mannerisms. 

The friend wrapped it up in a nutshell he said "So basically treat him like I would a fairy. " Meaning: Don't eat anything he gives you, don't trust anything he says as the whole truth, if he is smiling then something is amiss. 

Sounds about right... Wouldn't you agree? Only time you can successfully tell a man that he reminds you of a fairy and it be a complimentary and accurate expression of his personality. Kudos random friend. Made me laugh.

Jeff followed this up by opening a pizza box and offering it to the guy with a big sheepish grin. The friend looked leery and politely declined.

Jeff- 1 ; Friend - 0